

Ag-Pro can give you the equipment and support you need to deliver inputs with precision. Take the next step in your application journey by considering these possibilities: 

  • Vary pre-emerge spray rates automatically to reduce inputs and costs. 
  • Manage the quality of jobs from your iPad to make sure the job gets done right. 
  • View in-field weather conditions from the sprayer cab. 
  • Map every pass to document what was sprayed, where, and the weather conditions. 
  • Quickly and easily send prescriptions to machines wirelessly or with a USB. 
  • Utilize precision guidance in standing crop to let you spray faster without running over crop. 
  • Know when conditions are right to apply, and when they change, without leaving the cab. 
  • Automatically control the boom height target to ensure accuracy and efficiency. 
  • Automatically turn boom sections on and off to reduce waste and save money. 
  • Control individual nozzles. 
  • Share data with trusted partners including ag service providers. 
  • Reduce downtime by 20% or more. 
  • Integrate rate, section control, and documentation for your application equipment. 

Featured Solution: ExactApply - Put an end to over-application, crop burn and off-target drift. ExactApply features individual nozzle control for precise droplet sizing and consistent application management. Providing you with three times the pulsing frequency of competitive systems - and?an advanced A-B nozzle design?– ExactApply maintains your target rate and pressure over a wider range of speeds. 

Learn more by visiting the John Deere Precision Ag Technology Page