How Agriculture Technology Can Save You Time in Planting Season

posted on Thursday, February 20, 2020 in Ag-Pro Companies News

Precision planting may be far from your mind if you farm in a part of the country where fields are still blanketed in snow with ground conditions remaining well below planting temperature. However, even in areas where winter seems to get worse before it gets better, the rainfall of spring is always around the corner. And with the rain comes a host of jobs that need to get done in a hurry to make the most of those shorter planting windows and changing conditions. Sometimes spring comes a little earlier or later, and it can sometimes be far wetter than anticipated. All of this makes your time — as well as the timing of your work — two of the most crucial and elusive resources for anyone who hopes to achieve a good harvest.

As you button up your planning efforts and start shifting your focus to executing the plan ahead, here are some significant ways that agriculture technology from John Deere can maximize your efforts and save you precious time during planting season.

Farm Tech & John Deere’s Operations Center

The Operations Center from John Deere is a type of farming technology that can play an essential role in farming data management when paired with mobile apps and the right tools. It takes everything that happens in the real world on your farm, from guidance lines to soil and weather changes, and then stores this information in one easy place that you can access from your computer or mobile device, like your iPad. This online precision agriculture tool takes all the data you have gathered over a given period of time and groups it into meaningful, usable information so you can prepare fields, plant and ultimately harvest better and even make real-time changes when you are doing fieldwork.

Field Prep and Tillage Solutions with Precision Ag

When it comes to moving forward with field prep activities, precision ag from John Deere can help you accomplish your work quickly and efficiently, reducing inputs and costs wherever possible. One type of agriculture technology that can maximize your efforts is automated guidance. It allows you to work the land while reducing overlap so you can use your time and equipment more productively. This tech works alongside your existing equipment and is compatible with new, used and even competitor’s models. It also has benefits at additional points during both your planting and harvesting seasons.

The Operations Center is another John Deere exclusive farm management tool with many great benefits. This software collects and manages a wide variety of operations and compiles data that can ultimately improve your outfit on the whole. Think of it like a command center.

If you want to read a little more about how the Operations Center can be helpful during other seasons, take a look at our post on how agriculture technology can improve your yield for harvest. John Deere also offers additional time-saving field prep technologies for easy prescription transfers like JDLink™ Connect and TruSet™ for faster equipment adjustments.

Agriculture Technology and Faster Planting Done Right

Once your planting window opens, you need all systems ready and all hands on deck, too. Several pieces of precision planting tech can really improve your planting efforts, from seed placement to emergence. Just like with field prep, you can count on the Operations Center to help you here, too.

When paired with technology like JDLink™ or mobile transfer, you can send prescriptions out directly to your planters or make in-field adjustments more quickly and utilize other perks that the Operations Center can offer, like mapping your passes. Plus, you can catch and prevent problems in earlier stages, saving time and costs.

Another mighty precision ag tool that can boost your planting efforts is ExactEmerge™. This particular tool can give you confidence that your equipment is planting consistently, at the right spacing and depth. So much so, that depending on the conditions, you could be hitting speeds of up to 10 mph, which feels a lot closer to a joy ride than a day working the field. With In-Field Data Sharing, multiple planters can coordinate efforts to work the same field at once with no trouble. This means you can get more planted within the same amount of time, while still collecting vital information that you can learn from in the short term and for next year, without having to transfer information manually.

Find out which precision agriculture tools are best suited to your planning efforts at your nearest Ag-Pro Dealer. Our specialists are always eager to help and talk farming. You can also get a firsthand account on how John Deere’s precision ag tools improve planting season at the Molly Caren Farm at The Ohio State University by clicking on the video below.

  1. ag tech
  2. farm tech
  3. john deere
  4. planting
  5. precision ag